I passed the CompTIA Pentest+ Exam on 3/15/2022 Certification

The study material I used was CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-002 2nd Edition

I read the book front to back 2 times. The first time I went through the material quickly and started setting up my pentesting environment. I used all old hardware to achieve this, shoutout to Cheapskate’s Guide. I threw together an old windows 10 machine and used Hyper-V to virtualize a windows server 2019 instance and a windows 10 vm that I joined to the domain of the server. I also used an old laptop and put Kali linux on it to use as my pentest machine. After going through the book once I took my time reading the book the second time. I made sure to test all of the tools and follow all of the labs.